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Assistance ot ACM SIGGRAPH and poster presentation

The Graphics & Imaging lab arrived to ACM SIGGRAPH 2022!! This year the conference was helded in Vancouver, and it was a great oportunity to share our work to the community. Diego Royo, Julio Marco, and me presented the poster “Non-Line-of-Sight Transient Rendering”, and we also took the oportunity to speak with some of the most prominent researchers in computer graphics.

Poster presentation at SIGGRAPH 2022
Here presenting the poster. Photo by Julio Marco

It was altogether a great experience, but on top of that we managed to pet this incredible dog.

Petting a chill dog
One of the greater things of the conference. Photo by Ana Serrano

The emotions and work were worth it, but we needed some relax time after all.

The sciences is also about chilling
Science is not only about working I guess… Photo by Edurne Bernal Berdun

We really enjoyed the conference. I hope we can attend soon again.

Goodbye Vancouber
The Graphics & Imaging lab with the killing whale

See you Vancouver!!

Pablo Luesia-Lahoz
Pablo Luesia-Lahoz
I studied my bachelor and master degrees in computer graphics at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) with the Graphics and Imaging lab under the supervison of prof. Adolfo Muñoz and prof. Diego Gutierrez in the same university. Also, I have collaborated with prof. Andreas Velten at University of Wisconsin-Madison.